We have been awarded funding from Bradford Council to run a Kids Summer Camp in conjunction with Kids Coaching UK aimed at primary school aged children. It’s at the community centre on Tuesdays and Fridays every week, during the holidays. Times are 9am to 3pm. There will be free sports activities, games and crafting and its free. Each day the children will also receive a free hot lunch and healthy snacks.
The dates for the camp are Tuesday 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st August, Friday 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th August. Places are limited and need to be booked in advance. If you would like to book a space please get in touch with Ben or Tom at tom@kidscoachinguk.co.uk
We are also holding Free Family Cookery Classes every Saturday 10am to 2pm. Naydien from the Rock and Heifer will be giving you and your family the chance to learn new skills and of course take the food home with you! The dates for the course are Saturday 7th, 14th & 21st August. If you would like to book a place please email naydien2000@hotmail.co.uk